Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Freedom for Youth, Freedom of Nailpolish

This April, I participated in World Vision's 30 Hour Famine at my friend's church. Designed to raise awareness of world hunger and to raise money to nourish the underfed, this event consists of not eating food or anything that contains calories for 30 hours. You can only drink water and fruit juice, and at the end of the 30 hours, you enjoy a wonderfully delicious feast. During those 30 hours, you spend time at the church listening to speakers, canvassing the neighborhoods for canned food, and passing out these collections to homeless camps or shelters. The weekend is always one I look forward to, but this year, those 30 hours lead me to an entire summer full of helping people out.

The speaker that came that night was from Freedom for Youth (http://freedomforyouth.org/), an organization that tries to "break bonds" with inner-city and homeless youth. They do so much and have so many different programs, that I am not going to take the time to explain. Please though, do visit their website.

I started volunteering there the beginning of the summer, and I absolutely love it. The program I am helping eith is for elementary aged children, and helps them with reading and writing skills. The kids are so much fun, and often hilarious. I started bringing my nailpolish the second week, and have brought it back ever since - the girls are addicted to it. Yesterday, one of the little girls got a little carried away and missed the nails of the volunteer she was painting - by a long shot. By the end of the painting episode, she had zebra stripes up and down her arms. And ya know, nailpolish is called nailpolish for a reason. It takes ages to get off of skin, probably because it's not supposed to go on there in the first place. Anyway, I promised this same little girl that she could paint my nails the next day (aka today) if she promised not to paint my skin.

This, my dear friends, is the result:

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