On this day, 21 years ago, a little boy was born with amazing powers that would vanquish the evil in this world. This power was love. Happy Birthday Harry Potter!
Is it weird to think of my life without Harry? Duhhhhhh. The first Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, came out in the US in 1998, when I was three, and my brother was six. It wasn't long after this, maybe a year, maybe more, when my brother became interested, and my mom began reading them aloud to us. I, quite literally, grew up with Harry coming to life from the pages of the book cradled in my mom's hands at my bedside, my brother nestled under her arm.
My very first mental picture of the Harry Potter world? A house, much like the one I live in today - a small ranch with a spacious backyard - and a modern motorcycle landing on the street in front of my house, the man (who looked suspiciously like the red power ranger) grabbing a baby, and flying off with him.
Of course, my imagination has grown considerably since I was four, and with the aid of the Harry Potter movies, I now have a wonderfully rich place in my mind that I can live in when I find myself wanting to be more... magical. Man, it sucks being a muggle, doesn't it?
So anyway... Harry would be 21 today, if we are considering that the last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, came out in 2007. In this book, he was, of course 17. It's interesting to think of the things Harry would be able to do today in the muggle world. Buy alcohol. Buy a lottery ticket. Gamble. I wonder how that would go for him, or if it would all bore him because of his much more interesting wizardly pursuits.
It'd probably bore him. Oh well. Happy Birthday anyway, Harry!